

From http://www.lifeactionrevival.org/skatearchitecture.html :
Skaters are the sensualists, the kinesthetic lovers of space and form. Architectural theorists rarely grasp the significance of skateboarding, at least not in regards to their field and art. Skateboarding is a high model, a sharp-figure exemplar, of an intimate and transformative approach to architectural experience. A gleaming gem of agent-within-structure.

I'll be frank: streetskating is, I think, the most successful and contagious form of urban détournement, re-appropriation, and transformative action that we have. Streetskaters are the other great horde of architectural fetishists. The fetish is slightly different in aspect but not in intensity. Perspectivally, architects are generally schooled to gaze upward, and cultivate an awe of form. Skateboarders remain at eye-level, street-level, on the plane of human actions. Architects strive to behold totalities; skaters fixate, on smaller parts— they look closer, at details and textures and otherwise unremarkable typologies.

Colin says: R I P P E R !

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