
The stone, neo-classical Military School of Louis XV from 1752; the steel Eiffel Tower built in 1889, celebrating the revolution from 1789 and broadcasting radio after 1914; the post-moderni Peace Monument projecting peace in 32 languages with internet-driven interactive features - all of these juxtaposed on the same field make one thing certain: Paris is not afraid of change. It is no museum like Venice. For another example, just look at the glass pyramid by I.M. Pei that was placed in the plaza of the Louvre in 1989. The power of Paris is its ability to constantly evolve without losing its identity.
A New ‘Grand Paris’

In September of 2007, President Sarkozy announced that it had commissioned a study of a “new comprehensive development project for Greater Paris.” city “new comprehensive development project for Greater Paris.” In June of 2008, 10 multi-disciplinary design and planning teams began a nine month design process to create new visions for the city. On March 17, the plans were unveiled at Musée de la Cité and a day-long public design critique was held in the great hall of Théâtre National de Chaillot. Actors from other major “metropolitan projects” (Greater London, Greater Madrid, Greater Berlin, etc.) were invited to critique the plans. The scale of the plans surpass that of Bloomberg’s massive PLANYC effort in New York and may represent the most grandiose re-visioning any major Western city has ever undergone, comparable perhaps to only the transformation of Paris under the direction of Baron Von Haussmann in the mid-19th century.

Urban Plans for Racial Barriers
In 2005, while living in Paris, I photo-documented the weeks of riots by French-African youth, frustrated by the isolation and prejudice they faced in the baniliue and was struck by the way the rest of the country virtually ignored the chaos in these zones. Well, now planners are trying to improve the situation. Several of the plans, such as that of Jean Nouvel and Richard Rogers call for revitalizing poor, isolated areas with large French-African and immigrant communities with popular (though unproven) techniques of creating linear parks and community gardens to bridge physical and social barriers. What appears to be the most radical strategy, that of Roland Castro, who calls for moving Paris’s most iconic monuments, including the massive Élysée Palace, to the city’s most excluded outlying neighborhoods. Castro, The model for this strategy, as explained on the Atelier webpage (in French), is that of a Jackson Pollock painting where the entire fabric receives equal treatment , is unified, but also varied and full of surprises. A city of equality, but also a city built for derive, a space for the nonchalant noveau-flaneur. I admit, it does seem unduly disruptive to move such huge monuments from their historic places for a gesture that is largely symbolic. However, I am taken with the idea of expanding, diffusing, and de-centering the geography of Paris’s spectacular monumentalism - so integral to its identity - to the areas in the banilieu that are now just as much a part of Paris as any central arrondissemont.
Could a symbolic act, in this case the spatial diffusion of the monuments which create Paris's identity actually work to integrate communities that are currently excluded - spatially, socially, and economically - from broader French society? Certainly, it would not be an end-all solution. Of course, if it is poverty that concentrates African-French Parisians in crowded tenements in isolated areas of the banilieu, it is still the racial prejudice (rife within French society (well documented in hiring practices, for instance) that perpetuates cyclic poverty in this communities. While grand plans to bury the city’s largest train tracks and train yards under grand parks and gardens to integrate isolated neighborhoods (Richard Rogers) are reminiscent of Paris’s largest transformations of the past - the destruction of the old Parisian city wall in the 17th century and Haussmannian boulevards that were hacked through the medieval city in the 19th century – they may still be a small task in comparison with creating racial awareness in French society and addressing the gaps in equity.
These plans are a rallying cry to cities everywhere to be bold, artful, and radical in addressing the problems of the cities.
Note: though the Europe and American press insisit on refering to French-born citizens of African descent as “immigrants” ("immigré" in French). I refer to them throughout this piece as “African-French” since I have never been able to understand how it is propoer usage to address a French-born person as an "immigré" in France. “Citoyen” and "immigré" are used incorrectly used both in common parlance and by the press to “other” black French-African communities.
colin hughes,
urban planning
Riding bikes. Chilling in the park. Riding bikes. Getting heated about about housing policy. Riding bikes. Dancing at the Knockout. Hooking up. Eating at late night taco stands. Riding bikes. This film, set in San Francisco, almost seemed like an extension of my day in San Francisco. And it spoke to me. It's a conversation-driven film, kind of like Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, but on bikes instead of on foot, in San Francisco instead of Europe, and with an additional dimension of race and urban history. It's the story of two black twenty-somethings in San Francisco who wake up in an awkward "morning after" situation and end up spending a day riding bicycles around San Francisco and talking about what it is to be black, to be indie, and to live in the city.
The film is exhilarating first and foremost because feels just like you are riding a bike around the city. The Victorian houses bounce and blur as the camera flys by locations that both are and seem familiar - Dolores Park, City Hall, Micah's tiny Tenderloin studio that looks just like your friends, the Knockout (a favorite bar of mine). And the colors are so desaturated tthat he film has almost a black and white feel - like that rare and perfect sunny summer day in SF when the blinding sun has bleached the colors out of everything. The soundtrack is phenomenal too - a mix of obscure heartfelt and dancey indie music, a few old classics, and the placement of a Casiotone for the Painfully Alone track so appropriate for the scene that it would seem it was written for the movie. All the more amazing is that the film was made with less than $30,000 and shot on site within a week's time.
The film has two tales, and I will name each as only a grad student engaged in theory would: the post-romance romance and the search for racial identity in what so some would say is a post-racial society. Whereas the usual plot structure has a romantic connection growing throughout the film climaxing with some kind of physically intimacy. In what is a probably a more realistic portrayal of many contemporary relationships, that classic structure is inverted here: the film begins twith he morning after the physical intimacy and then we wait to see if romance will blossom. The climax, sex, is a given. The real romantic connection is elusive. While Micah and Jo seem to share everything in common - two rare fish in a big tank - they are two different archetypes of black identity.
This second, heavier dimension of this story explores two black Americans who identify with their race in very different ways. Micah, played so naturally by Wyatt Cenac, is essentially a minor tragic hero here: unwilling to dishonor the history of a vibrant black San Francisco, nor let the crimes that destroyed it be forgotten - he carries their memories, and the rage that accompanies them, with him always. Micah's rage is ever-present just beneath the surface of his chill, playful persona. This historical baggage, such an integral part of his identity as a black man, prevents him from being able to moving beyond it and finding happiness (Jo). On the flipside is Jo, the female lead who the director would describe as "post-racial" - clearly more concerned with creating a new future for herself than keeping the pain of the past alive inside of her. It is the reckoning of these two archetypes that leads both to explore their identities more deeply.
This film is important as it explores a sub-culture of black America - the "indie" or "alternative" side - not often shown in film. It asks important questions about racial idenitity in the era of Obama (though the film was written before it), and what it is to be "indie." Further, it is a testimony to the fact that San Francisco's development since the 1960's has been one of massive project of gentrification and displacement. In the end, if there was a medicine for Micah's melancholy, maybe it would be hope. Go and see this film.
medicine for melancholy,
san francisco

The documentary Man on Wire is the story of Philippe Petit and this famous work of art. The pace of the film is that of bank heist or terrorism flick – the suspense rises as the characters plan and plot their mission. And Petit, a Frenchman with a penchant for dramatic storytelling, makes for a fantastic narrator as he recounts the act with along with interviews from his friends and assistants.
The documentary work is fantastic, but it’s also the best way to experience the tremendously inspiring work art that Petit created. Some might just call it a stunt, others might call it performance art, but to me the most apt term to describe what Petit did is street art. Street art is free for all the passing public, it changes and reinterprets the built environment without asking permission, and it is illegal. Petit’s performance is all of those things. Clandestinely infiltrating the buildings and walking that wire against all laws, artfully re-interpreting the ways humans can interact with a cityscape surging sky-ward beyond all boundaries previously experienced in urban life. If the human form itself were ever eclipsed by human's ability to create structures and technologies so much larger than life, then maybe what is so exciting about Petit’s work is that he stole the spotlight back from amazing feats of structural engineering and pointing it back on humans themselves. Whereas these buildings had been the epitome of human’s highest ability, Petit relegated them to be merely a stage for his performance. The documentary is great. What Philippe Petit did in 1974 is the most beautiful piece of street art I have ever seen. Check this film out.
I’ve been a devout follower of this French music blog since they started filming their “Concert a Emporter” short “take-away shows” of their favorite musical artists playing improvised shows around the streets and beautiful spaces of Paris. While the cinematography and sound are spot on, the casuality, and improvisation, and informal spirit of the performances create an uncanny intimacy with the artists. As you watch more of the performances available on the website (now well over 50), you also realize that these films create an intimacy with Paris - it’s creeky apartments, it’s quiet courtyards, the views from it’s slanted metal rooftops, and the many small places that give even grandiose Paris a cozy feel. With my deep well of nostalgia for Paris never far below the surface, these films can almost put tears in my eyes they are so beautiful.
In Julie Johnson's coverage of the issue for the Mission Local blog the opposition at the planning commission argued the chain store would alter the image of the neighborhood the neighborhood and local businesses - including the trendy cafe, Ritual Coffee, spoke out against it. Personally, I don't care for chain stores either, and I am reminded of how unfortunate I think it is that upper Haight St. has transformed itself from a cultural center to something more like a mall. Nonetheless, organizing to keep AA out under the guise of defending a neighborhood against gentrification while there are a high number of vacancies already on the street and far more expensive independent designer clothing boutiques and high-end cafes and restautrants popping up all over the neighborhood rings of the kind of NIMBYism I am used to seeing in long-since gentrified Berkeley. I'm not sad to see that AA isn't occupying the space on Valencia St., but I think those that organized to prevent it are missing an important irony: that keeping a chain store out is not the same as fighting gentrification, if anything it is a sign that the neighborhood is already gentrified enough that a chain store would ruin it's oh-so precious indie-boutique marketing identity. The fact that AA transformed the highly exploitative garmet industry by building itself around an anti-sweatshop, fair labor ethos only adds to this irony. Community leaders and politicians would be more effective protectors of their neighborhood's heritage if they focused their efforts on the far more important battle for affordable housing development and ways to support exisiting local businesses. In the meantime, there's just one more vacant storefront in the mission where no one works.
american apparel,
san francisco,
valencia st.

I was leafing through Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino) over break - an effective exercise for deconstructing our urban perspectives - and I read the following, "the city must never be confused with the words that describe it." It got me back to thinking that planners employ a pathetic set of adjectives to articulate the urban environments. Vibrant is one word I have a particularly hard time with because its highly subjective. Define what vibrant is to you and you'll probably find a succint definition of the kind of neighborhood that you prefer to live in given your (sub)cultural lifestyle, values, socio-economic status (cafes and boutiques anyone?). The retail center that one planner thinks might make a vibrant neighborhood might just end up evicting the current residents that another planner thinks give the neighborhood it's vibrancy. As planners, we all want neighborhoods full of energy and civic enthusiasm (vibrancy), and as a policy/design goal, shouldn't it be taken as a given? By defining "vibrant neighborhood" to ourselves, we might understand our personal values. But as professionals, when we substitute subjective adjectives like "vibrant" in place of more specific descriptions, do we surreptitiously impose our values on to plans?
urban planning,

The Open Planning Project is one force that is taking ever-greater strides toward empowering civil society with software for improved participatory planning and urban policy creation. Under the umbrella of The Open Planning Project are the Streetsblog Network and Streetfilms websites, their Livable City education projects, the Uncivil Servants site. Even more revolutionary, perhaps are the possibilities that their GeoServer and OpenGeo open-source geo-spatial mapping/planning tools create. Currently geo-spatial data mapping is an incredibly powerful technology used for planning analysis and transportation modeling. However, these proprietary applications are almost completely closed to citizens due to the huge expense of the software and the training needed to run the systems. As a result, cities pay software companies and consultants huge sums to use these tools. Also, citizens do not have access to technology appropriate for challenging the analysis of experts.
However, the GeoServer is a open-source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geo-spatial data online – kind of like the Wikipedia edition of ESRI’s ArcGIS. OpenGeo is a non-profit social enterprise that offers consulting and support services around best of breed, open source, geospatial software, especially in building large transportation models for cities. The open-source software, which can be tailored for a city to use in transportation demand and capacity forecasting, will also be significantly cheaper than the proprietary models and private sector consultants many currently use. Portland is already employing the software and according to this Wired article, San Francisco’s MUNI may follow suit soon.
These projects will democratize the planning process, providing access to planning tools for little or no cost to cities and citizens. The end result can only be stronger, more democratic urban analysis, reduced municipal budgets, and better cities. The Open Planning Project is run and largely funded by Mark Gorton, founder of the Lime Wire, the most popular file-sharing application in the world in 2007, for the open-source gnutella network.

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